A dental retainer or dental brace is a useful tool for maintaining the arrangement of teeth after braces. Choosing the right and comfortable retainer is important because this tool is usually used for a long period of time.
Dental retainer is very commonly used, both adults and children. This tool is most often used to maintain the arrangement of teeth that have just been repaired with stirrup. The goal is that the teeth remain in their proper position, do not shift, and do not fall apart again.
In addition, dental retainer also serves to close teeth that are tenuous or split, correcting the position and shape of the jaw, to correct bad habits, such as rattling of teeth.
If you decide to want to use a dental retainer, first know the types and differences.
Know Two Types of Dental Retainer
There are two types of dental retainer, removable removable retainer which can be removable and permanent retainer. Both have advantages and disadvantages of each. The following is the explanation:Removable tooth retainer
This is a type of retainer that is relatively easy to obtain and easier to clean. You can release it when eating, exercising, or brushing your teeth. However, this dental retainer also has several disadvantages, such as:- Patients often forget or do not routinely use it, so teeth that have been tidied up become messy again.
- Can be lost or damaged if placed or stored carelessly.
- Causes excessive saliva production.
- Vulnerable to become a den of bacteria.
Hawley Retainer
Also called a wire retainer because it is made of thin metal wire and acrylic. Retainer Hawley has several advantages, including the wire can be adjusted to the condition of the teeth, durable during use and care properly, can be repaired if damaged, and quite comfortable when used.
While the drawback is that it can affect the speaker's way of speaking, clearly visible when talking or smiling, and irritate the lips or cheeks during initial use.
Transparent plastic retainer
This retainer is also called a mold retainer. To make this retainer, it is necessary to first print the teeth so that the shape is in accordance with the position and curve of the patient's teeth.
Some of the advantages of this dental retainer are that it is thinner, more comfortable to wear, does not affect the way of talking, and is almost invisible because of its clear color.
Unfortunately this retainer cannot be repaired if it cracks or breaks, can change shape if exposed to heat, and can change color over time.
Permanent dental retainer
Permanent dental retainers are made of thick wire that is shaped in such a way as to adjust the shape of teeth that are neat. The wire is then attached to the incisors so that they do not move. This retainer installation must be done by a dentist. Permanent dental retainer is placed on teeth that are vulnerable to shifting back, or in patients who find it difficult to follow the instructions for using removable retainer, for example small children. There are several advantages of a permanent retainer, including:- Patients do not need to remove the retainer themselves.
- Retainer is not visible to others.
- Does not affect the way of talking.
- More durable, long lasting, and not easily lost.
- Need more effort to clean teeth and retainer.
- Can cause a pile of plaque and tartar, so the risk of causing gum disease.
- The metal wire can irritate the tongue.
How to Clean a Dental Retainer
Dental retainers are prone to become a den of bacteria, plaque, and food scraps. Therefore, dental retainer must be cleaned regularly every day. How to clean it also needs to be adjusted to the type of dental retainer used. To clean removable tooth retainer, the method is:- Clean with warm water and mild soap (non-irritating), not toothpaste.
- Use a soft bristled toothbrush, or if necessary, use a cotton bud to clean the inside of the retainer.
- You can also use a special solution to soak a dental retainer, according to your dentist's recommendation.
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